Earlier this year Atglen Public Library received $8750 from the County of Chester County American Rescue Plan Act. This grant was intended to fund initiatives that would bring people back into the library after the Covid pandemic. There were three main categories in our proposal: furnishings, collection development and the building sign.
You might first notice the sign near the front doors, finally identifying us to the world in blue and gold.
Items as simple as tables and chairs have allowed us to offer more programs and welcome people of all ages into the library. We purchased height-adjustable tables that accommodate both early learning programming and adult crafting programs. New card tables accommodate game play such as our weekly Mah Jongg group, and additional folding tables allow for programming and meetings. Children’s chairs play well with the adjustable tables, and let the children and the caregivers know that we are intentional about early learning.
Collection development was the other portion of the grant. We added 65 Spanish-language picture books, 70 children’s nonfiction books, and 23 teen ebooks and e-audiobooks, all in addition to our usual book purchases. In special collections we added several museum passes and are processing STEM kits. Describing and packaging these items is truly a process! Look for STEM kits and jigsaw puzzles soon in our new Library of Things.
Many thanks to our Chester County Commissioners for the funds to expand our collections and programming.