Shhhh! Designated Quiet Hours Begin Tuesday, April 1, 10:00am to 1:00pm
No fooling! Public libraries are no longer the quiet places with shushing librarians wearing glasses on chains you might remember (although we can cosplay this if you like). With programs for toddlers and children, knitters and crafters, and one main space, it can get a little loud in here sometimes. To accommodate the growing number of folks who do use the library for quiet study and work, we have instituted designated quiet hours on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to 1:00. As always, everyone will be welcome during this time, but there will be no scheduled programming, no cell phone use, and no "outside voices." We won't shush you, but we will gently remind you to lower your voice. And don't forget, if you need more privacy or would like to hold a meeting, you can reserve the Zimmerman meeting room right from our homepage or by calling the library at 610-593-6848.